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What if the next chapter of your CEO's journey
was all about going back into the heart of
you, your life and your business?

One question at a time.

What if the next chapter of your CEO's journey was all about going back 
into the heart of you, your life and your business?

One question at a time.

On the surface, The Wellspring is a regular newsletter. I write, you read. But then you respond—and so do 99 other highly committed CEOs. What happens next is an unparalleled coaching experience. For four months. Every Sunday. And yes, for free.

On the surface, The Wellspring is a regular newsletter. I write, you read.

But then you respond—and so do 99 other highly committed CEOs.

What happens next is an unparalleled coaching experience.

For four months. Every Sunday. And yes, for free.



In the words of Albert Einstein:


“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution,
I'd spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than 5 minutes.” 


What if you were offered a space—in the comfort of your own home—where you are presented with those questions that have the power to give new breath in the way you live, love, and lead?


And what if answering them also helped remove the clutter in your mind? I made The Wellspring for this purpose. For you to arrive at the nucleus of your genius. To find insights that rejuvenate your spirit, leadership, and business.


Because if you are like the CEOs I work with, your horizon line is calling for a shift. To seek, integrate, and build in ways that not only move mountains, but most importantly move the needle on impact.


With that, our playground is clear and simple.


Every Sunday, for the next four months, I will send you one profound question by email. And I have only one requirement for you: that you hit reply and answer the question wholeheartedly (which takes 20 minutes on average from 'open' to 'reply'.)

The best part might be that you won’t be alone. You will be inspired by an exclusive support system of 99 other CEOs, all brilliant in their own ways. With as much love, skills and experience to offer you as you have to offer them.

I look forward to meeting you on the other side of the signup button.


K. Fornier

CEO Coach


Note: The Wellspring is free, but each CEO who signs up commits as if they made a multiple five-figure coaching investment. If you are not yet ready to bring that full-hearted level of energy—no mere curiosity—then this is not for you.

At this very moment, you may wonder what sort of newsletter this is. Let me tell you. It’s more than that.


In the words of Albert Einstein:


“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I'd spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than 5 minutes.” 


What if you were offered a space—in the comfort of your own home—where you are presented with those questions that have the power to give new breath in the way you live, love, and lead?


And what if answering them also helped remove the clutter in your mind? I made The Wellspring for this purpose. For you to arrive at the nucleus of your genius. To find insights that rejuvenate your spirit, leadership, and business.


Because if you are like the CEOs I work with, your horizon line is calling for a shift. To seek, integrate, and build in ways that not only move mountains, but most importantly move the needle on impact.


With that, our playground is clear and simple.


Every Sunday, for the next four months, I will send you one profound question by email. And I have only one requirement for you: that you hit reply and answer the question wholeheartedly (which takes 20 minutes on average from 'open' to 'reply'.)

The best part might be that you won’t be alone. You will be inspired by an exclusive support system of 99 other CEOs, all brilliant in their own ways. With as much love, skills and experience to offer you as you have to offer them.

I look forward to meeting you on the other side of the signup button.


K. Fornier

CEO Coach


Note: The Wellspring is free, but each CEO who signs up commits as if they made a multiple five-figure coaching investment. If you are not yet ready to bring that full-hearted level of energy—no mere curiosity—then this is not for you.

At this very moment, you may wonder what sort of newsletter this is. Let me tell you. It’s more than that.


© Kevin Fornier LP 2024
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Immersing yourself in The Wellspring feels like tapping into a source of wisdom where you continually find 'Eureka, Aha! moments.' Every CEO who loves to be challenged and indulge in self-inquiry should join this unique coaching opportunity.

Roel Cruys, Co-founder & CEO of Voices Unleashed

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